Velvet Deer Antler Extracts

Deer Antler Velvet Demand On The Rise

People use deer velvet as medicine for a wide range of health problems.

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History of Deer Antler Harvesting

The harvesting of velvet from deer antlers and its use as a traditional medicine was first started since 2000 years ago mainly in China and Korea. In these two countries, deer antler velvet is considered as one of the most effective medicines for minor ailments and a natural source of energy to fight against diseases. In China, deer antler velvet is being used as a tonic to strengthen weak body, to cure illnesses, or in maintaining good health. In Korea, on the other hand, they don’t see any dangers of deer antler velvet use and have even compared it to vitamins and other health food.

Although the production of deer antler velvet started in Asia, other Western countries such as North America, Europe, Canada and New Zealand has also became the primary source of velvet antlers due to the size and quality of velvet they produce.

Is It Legal?

The law on deer farming varies from country to country or from state to state. As part of the culture, like in UK for instance, deer hunting is legal while it’s not in other countries. However, since production of velvet antlers does not harm the animal, in most cases and in most country, deer farming to produce velvet antlers is legal.

Harvesting antler velvet is performed once a year or during the period where deer antlers are in its soft-cartilaginous state. This procedure does not, in any way, endanger the animal and deer antlers will grow again after the season.