Velvet Deer Antler Extracts

Deer Antler Velvet Demand On The Rise

People use deer velvet as medicine for a wide range of health problems.

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Information You Need to Know About Arthritis

Arthritis comes from a Greek word which literally means joint inflammation. It’s a term that is usually used to refer various medical conditions that cause stiffness, swelling, and pain in that joints area – of which, Osteoarthritis as being the most common. Unfortunately, some of these diseases affect other parts of your body, too, such as your muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones.

Understanding Arthritis

There are actually 100 types of arthritis. It is therefore difficult to determine the exact cause of it as there are usually various factors that contribute to developing this problem. The following are the most common factors of arthritis:

  •  Hereditary/Genetics
  •  Age
  •  Weight (Obesity)
  • Previous Injury/Fracture
  • Occupational Hazard (those who works in heavy construction)
  • Illness/Infection (e.g. gout and other medical conditions)

Signs and Symptoms

Arthritis shows various symptoms, which are still dependent on the type of arthritis you have. Some of the most common signs are:

  • Joint pain and progressive stiffness but without an obvious swelling, and there’s no fever or chills (may indicate a slow onset of osteoarthritis)
  •  Inflammation, painful swelling, and stiffness in legs, arms, wrists, and fingers (in both sides of your body) especially after you wake up (most common in rheumatoid arthritis)
  • Joint inflammation, tenderness, fever, and sharp pain that may be accompanied by chills after an injury or illness (mostly signs of infectious arthritis)
  • Weight loss due to loss of appetite, intermittent fever, anemia, blotchy rash on legs and arms, and in other cases, with stiffness and swelling of the joints (may indicate an onset of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis)

How Arthritis Affects You

Depending on the type of arthritis, how long a person is affected, and how severe it is, sufferers are affected in so many different ways. There are good days and there are bad days for people with arthritis. If you suffer from this medical condition, you tend to feel frustrated that you can no longer grip things like you used to. You may also suffer from a lot of discomfort and may usually experience fatigue due to pain and stiffness this condition brings.

Although it may be difficult for you to engage in many physical activities, you still have to remember that having arthritis doesn’t necessarily mean that you will totally remain immobile. Remember, there are ways that you can do to somehow remain active and there are supplements that can help in easing arthritis pain that conventional medicines can’t.

Keys to Fighting Arthritis

To fight pain and increase mobility, many people believe in deer velvet antler, a natural health supplement, as one of the most effective for arthritis pain. With this, a proper nutritious food, and a regular small exercise (such as walking, floor exercises, etc), there are certainly no reasons why you cannot bring your normal life back.